Russia’s relentless systematic attacks in Ukraine have continued to bring immense suffering to the people e and put global ...
The UN biodiversity summit known as COP16 officially opened in Colombia on Monday, and hopes are high that negotiating ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially certified Egypt as malaria-free. The achievement marks the culmination of ...
Ongoing airstrikes across Lebanon “continue to kill and injure civilians and displace a growing number of families,” ...
The International Court of Justice, or ICJ, is currently dealing with an unprecedented number of cases, particularly as the ...
The UN human rights office, OHCHR, has expressed growing alarm over Israel’s military operations in northern Gaza, warning ...
Speaking in the Ethiopian capital on Monday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres reiterated his call for global ...
The UN Security Council on Monday explored the dual-edged nature of rapid technological advancements – ranging from artificial intelligence to neurotechnology – highlighting both groundbreaking ...
Em estudo, Marcos Orellana afirma que substâncias nocivas e derivadas das indústrias petroquímica, extrativa e agrícola ...
Escritório das Nações Unidas sobre Drogas e Crime, Unodc, diz que grupos armados seguem “altamente envolvidos” com mercado da ...
联合国人权事务高级专员办事处 周日对以色列在加沙北部的军事行动深表担忧,并发出警告,称无情的袭击、强迫流离失所和对人道主义援助的严格限制,正将该地区的巴勒斯坦人口推向“彻底毁灭”的边缘。
Le sommet des Nations Unies sur la biodiversité, connu sous le nom de COP16, s'est officiellement ouvert lundi en Colombie, ...