汐止人盼望多年的捷運汐東線今天(22日) 決標。新北捷運局說,統包工程由馬來西亞商金務大工程公司、東丕營造公司、神通資訊科技公司得標,採中運量系統,預計明年開工、2032年完工。
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Only an effective military deterrent by Taiwan, the United States, and their allies can keep Chinese ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) —Kuomintang (KMT) and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators clashed over amendments to the ...
As part of its ongoing engagement with the United Nations Global Compact, Vici Energy will complete an annual Communication on Progress (COP) report, outlining its progress in supporting and upholding ...
Based on data from January to September 2024, visitors from the U.S.A. to Japan have increased 150% from the corresponding period in 2019 (*2). Japan is currently garnering a lot of attention, and ...
Report Ocean has published a new report on the Tin Packaging Market, delivering an extensive analysis of key factors such as market restraints, drivers, and opportunities. The report offers a detailed ...
據路透社報導,全球股市週一(10/21)下跌,因地緣政治緊張局勢加劇以及美國總統大選的不確定性,交易員保持謹慎,幫助推動黃金期貨創下新高。 週一(10/21)現貨金價飆升至歷史新高,報每盎司 2,719.33 美元。美國黃金期貨收高 0.3% ...
On 16th October 2024, Kärcher Malaysia, alongside the global community, proudly celebrates the 10th anniversary of Thank Your ...
A standout trend is the substantial rise in fly-cruise bookings, with bookings from international tourists up by 520% year-on-year. The combination of air travel and cruising allows international ...
作為新天地對城市藝術生態構建的全新嘗試,「Art To Gather新天地藝遊季」邀請近90組海內外演出團體,打破劇場邊界,讓藝術走入線下日常場景,以戲劇、音樂、舞蹈、巡遊、快閃、工作坊等多元藝術形式為觀眾呈上一場流動的視聽盛宴。
HONG KONG SAR - Newswire - 22 October 2024 - Populis Digital (Populis, or the "Company"), a leading Hong Kong-based digital ...