The UN biodiversity summit known as COP16 officially opened in Colombia on Monday, and hopes are high that negotiating ...
The World Health Organization (WHO) has officially certified Egypt as malaria-free. The achievement marks the culmination of ...
Russia’s relentless systematic attacks in Ukraine have continued to bring immense suffering to the people e and put global ...
The International Court of Justice, or ICJ, is currently dealing with an unprecedented number of cases, particularly as the ...
Ongoing airstrikes across Lebanon “continue to kill and injure civilians and displace a growing number of families,” ...
Speaking in the Ethiopian capital on Monday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres reiterated his call for global ...
The UN human rights office, OHCHR, has expressed growing alarm over Israel’s military operations in northern Gaza, warning ...
The UN Security Council on Monday explored the dual-edged nature of rapid technological advancements – ranging from artificial intelligence to neurotechnology – highlighting both groundbreaking ...
Secretary-General António Guterres urged delegations from some 190 countries to “make peace with nature” and shore up a plan to stop habitat loss, save endangered species, and preserve our planet’s ...
联合国秘书长 古特雷斯 周一在埃塞俄比亚首都发表讲话,再次呼吁进行全球机构改革,强调有必要为非洲争取两个 安理会 常任理事国席位,并为应对非洲大陆的挑战提供更有力的财政支持。
流离失所的人数之多已使现有的避难所不堪重负。截至上周末,黎巴嫩共开放了近 1100 个集体避难所,收容了约 19.2 万名流离失所者,其中 900 多个收容所已经满员。
Des Palestiniens blessés et malades seront bientôt transportés de Gaza vers l’Europe pour y recevoir des soins médicaux ...