GEN energija says that an independent review of its costings for the proposed JEK2 new nuclear project in Slovenia has ...
Orano has created two specific 'sharing groups' which bring together the main designers of innovative fast neutron reactors ...
The deputy prime minister of Serbia, whose government is keen to overturn a ban on nuclear energy projects in the country, ...
Nuclear Transport Solutions' Pacific Grebe - a purpose-built diesel-powered ship designed to safely carry nuclear cargos ...
The US Department of Energy has selected Louisiana Energy Services, Orano Federal Services, General Matter and American ...
Core Power announced it has signed an agreement with Mitsubishi Research Institute to study market conditions for a maritime ...
The creation of the Nuclear Energy Platform is intended to share experience and support the development of nuclear ...
Amazon has announced it has taken a stake in advanced nuclear reactor developer X-energy, with the goal of deploying up to 5 ...
The UK-based company gave first details of a high-field spherical tokamak plant "capable of generating 800 MW of fusion power ...
Orano has inaugurated a new fully-automated manufacturing plant in the port of Cherbourg, Normandy, for the fabrication of ...
The US Department of Energy has approved the Conceptual Safety Design Report for Oklo Inc's Aurora Fuel Fabrication Facility ...
Member countries of the European Nuclear Alliance have called upon the next European Commission to recognise the ...