In programma dieci anteprime mondiali provenienti da tutto il mondo, tra cui i nuovi lavori di Adilkhan Yerzhanov e del duo ...
Ten world premieres from around the globe are on the agenda, including the new efforts by Adilkhan Yerzhanov, and duo Petr ...
The network explored the new digital tools European distributors can use in order to make the most of their distribution ...
The funding body has given out a total of €704,000 in support to the new projects by Tonislav Hristov, Teemu Nikki and more ...
The Bulgarian director breaks down his third feature, which wraps up a triptych exploring forces and meanings stemming from ...
Sarra Tsorakidis’s debut feature, following a painter as she faces her 40s and her future prospects while on a job in the ...
Il network ha esplorato i nuovi strumenti digitali che i distributori europei possono utilizzare per sfruttare al meglio le loro campagne di distribuzione ...
Japanese filmmaker Kohei Igarashi seduced the festival jury, while Grand Tour by Miguel Gomes wins the Best Soundtrack Award ...
The Manetti brothers sign a sport film, a football fairy tale that plays with the bad temper of certain characters and their ...
Il primo lungometraggio di Nelicia Low si aggiudica il Grand Prix; Cent mille milliards di Virgil Vernier e Bogancloch di Ben ...
Thanks to its strong identity and credibility, the MIA has now earned an important place in the agendas of international ...
Les Frères Manetti signent un film de sport, une fable footballistique qui joue avec le mauvais caractères de certains ...